Wednesday, February 10, 2010

IFP Film+ Event February 16th, 2010 - The Phantom: High Speed Digital Cinematography

High speed cinematography, shooting beyond 150 fps, has always been elusive to filmmakers due to the high cost and cumbersome camera packages. With the advent of digital cinematography, a new system has emerged as an economical option while still performing high speed feats of magic. Imagine shooting at frame rates in excess of 1000fps?! All of a sudden, a common occurrence that lasts milliseconds can now span nearly 30 seconds.

The Phantom Gold by Vision Research will be the focus of this month's IFP Film+ event. Leading cinematographers and assistants from the NW will be on hand to discuss their experiences with the Phantom, share clips shot on the Phantom and a little hands on time with the system. This event is brought to you by IFP Seattle, Koerner Camera, Superfad and Vision Research.

The event is free, no RSVP necessary, and will be held at Koerner Camera, 101 Nickerson Suite B 500. Doors at 6:30, the main event starting at 7 going to 9pm. Questions? email us at:

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